Author: Alexa Whitewolf

How to Stay Sane as an Indie Author

In our quest for the next novel, next project to be finished, we tend to disregard our health. Even more so our mental health. Believe it or not, that’s important when writing.

Don’t think that because your writing happens at home, in an environment you choose, it’s less stressful on you as a human being.

For one, there’s the emotional aspect of certain scenes.

If you’ve ever been drained after writing a particular scene, you know what I’m talking about.

And second, we all juggle different things on top of writing.

I have a full time job, two dogs, and a husband.

Others have kids.

Or some juggle more than two jobs!

But the bottom line is: you cannot perform if you don’t take care of your mental health first.

So, how can you do that?

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How to Write Postnatal Depression

The image one has of a woman becoming a mother is always maternal, sweet…like once she gives birth, everything falls into place.

Sadly, it’s also an image predominant in the rare romance novels where the author goes beyond the happily ever after and shows the characters living life to their fullest.
Reality is different, and raw, and sometimes painful. Not every woman gives birth and becomes the perfect mother. That is a myth, and it does more harm than good in the long run.
There is nothing wrong with holding a baby in your arms for the first time, and feeling a void. Of not immediately liking the little bundle of joy everyone says is the new reason for your being alive. Of thinking you’re a bad parent, and you need to stay away…
This is called postnatal or postpartum depression.

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