Though I have seen countless adverts online for both Hemingway and Grammarly, until recently I had never tried either of them out. It was entirely...
Though I have seen countless adverts online for both Hemingway and Grammarly, until recently I had never tried either of them out. It was entirely...
Ah, plot holes. We all face them. But how do you fix them? Fixing a plot hole can be the difference between a finished story and something that...
This is a guest post by Kayla Matthews. Giving and receiving feedback is an important part of being a writer---or any kind of artist, really. But...
I used to hate editing. Like, going to the dentist and getting a filling level of hatred. I could just about tolerate editing someone else's...
Every writer needs to edit.
Editing isn’t a catch-all activity that can take a book from patchy to perfect in one pass. Each of the stages requires a deep and specialist focus.
In the winter of 2015, I was in the middle of rewriting What Happens in New York. And then I realised I had to rewrite it again. I was so, so angry....
Being organised sounds boring, doesn't it? Especially if you find spontaneity so much fun! Unfortunately, when you have a lot of...
When writing, it’s important to get an objective point of view on your work. No matter how objective we think we are, at the end of the day, it’s a piece of writing that we’ve invested our time and maybe a little bit of our soul into, too. That’s why editing our own work is so difficult. And why getting a separate editor is so important.
Writing groups---sometimes called critique groups---have a baaaad rep. As a member of a close-knit (and very tough-love) one, this bugs me....
When you're baking a cake, you don't show people your cake before its finished. You show them the finished product. There's a reason for this. You...