First of all, I want to apologise for how intermittent my blogging has been recently. I’ve been dealing with some personal issues and also channeling the little amount of energy I have into finishing What Happens in New York.

Now on to my BIG announcement!

Thomas Mann once said that, ‘A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people’. For those of us who are born with the innate desire to write, were very critical of what we create, and we insist that it must be perfect from the get go. But why should it be?

That’s what editing is for!

Nevertheless, getting that first draft down can be daunting, and what should take us months can end up taking years, if we ever complete it at all.

Introducing…Productivity for Writers!Productivity for Writers by Kristina Adams, coming soon!

Productivity for Writers is about helping you to get that first draft down. Not in years, but in months. Maybe even weeks if you have the time. It’s about making the most of the time you have and taking the biggest step towards finishing your novel.

Last May, I was barely writing at all. Then, after I realised that my novel wasn’t being interpreted the way I intended, I decided it was time for a rewrite.

I completed my first 50,000 draft — whilst working full-time and moving house — in less than two months.

If I can do it, so can you.

Productivity for Writers will include advice on:

  • How to prioritise your time
  • Getting over the fear of first drafts
  • Handling distractions
  • Planning
  • How to handle unsupportive friends and family
  • And much, much more!

What Happens in New York is still my main priority, but I’m hoping that Productivity for Writers will also be out this year, hopefully in the autumn.

In the mean time, you can sign up to my mailing list to be the first to find out more details and read exclusive extracts! If you’re interested in my writing process in the meantime, you can check out my Twitter, where I often live tweet during writing session!