Can you believe it’s been over three years since Productivity for Writers was published?

It’s gone so fast!

But, despite everything—even in the current climate—many of the lessons from it still stand. Things like knowing what’s holding you back and facing your inner demons never go out of style.

And, if you find yourself starting to slump as you near the midway point in NaNoWriMo, you may just find some inspiration to keep going in it 🙂

So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at seven things you’ll learn reading my book, Productivity for Writers.

1. What’s causing your writer’s block

The part of Productivity for Writers that resonates with people the most isn’t how to be productive, it’s why they’re unproductive.

All the productivity advice in the world means nothing if you don’t know what’s holding you back.

Whether it’s mental health issues, an unsupportive ‘support’ network, perfectionism, or something else, the book looks at the most likely causes and more importantly, how to overcome them.

2. New systems to make you more productive

Once you’ve worked out what’s holding you back, you can then start to build new, healthier systems. The more you practice your new systems, the more productive you’ll be. And, many of them are better for your mental health, too.

3. New ways of thinking

When you know what’s holding you back and how to fix it, your way of thinking will naturally change. This will help you to create a more positive, productive, and profitable mindset.

Yep, that’s right—what makes you more productive can also make you more money. After all, the more you write and publish, the more readers you’ll attract and the more money you make.

4. To put yourself—and your writing—first

Writing is often the first thing many people neglect when life throws shit their way.

But then they end up feeling worse because they’ve scarified what they love.

So, instead of doing that, we’ll look at how to prioritise yourself and your writing—no matter what’s happening in your life—which will improve your craft and make you happier.

Whether you’ve got children, pets, a full-time job, caring responsibilities, chronic pain, or mental health issues, there’s something in the book to help you.

5. How to make the most of your writing time

When you have all the time in the world, it’s really hard to concentrate. You have loads of time; you can put it off until tomorrow. Then the day after that. And the day after that. Time escapes you, and before you know it, another month has disappeared and you’ve achieved nothing.

While if you’re at work all day, or you care for someone, it can feel like you have no energy left to write.

You don’t have to write for hours on end to be productive, though. In fact—it’s better that you don’t. 

In Productivity for Writers we’ll look at why this is, and what you can do instead to make the most of your writing time. Whether you have five minutes or five hours a day to yourself (and your characters).

6. How to deal with common writing roadblocks

There are several common traps that writers fall into that cause them to get stuck. Some of these are short-term, some are long-term. We’ll look at the most common, and what you can do to overcome them.

Once you can identify them, you can spot the signs as they start to develop. Then, you can change course so that you don’t fall into those common traps.

7. Reads and resources

Another section that really resonates with people is the recommended reads and resources. The apps will help you to focus, get more done, and block out the noise.

The suggested books and blogs will further improve your writing, productivity, and mindset.


Productivity for Writers may have been written in a pre-pandemic world, but its lessons on self-care and self-awareness will never go out of style. The better you know yourself, the better you can identify what your triggers are and how to avoid them.

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