Restless Minds is an anthology my classmates and I put together as part of our MA in Creative Writing. We launched on 9th October 2014, and sold out of our first print run on opening night. We’re not selling our second print run and performing/selling at local events.
To promote and sell copies, myself and a couple of other poets performed at local event Jazz & Poetry in November. It’s a monthly event with an open mic, hosted at Guitar Bar/Hotel Deux. We took over the open mic slot. I read out ‘Portrait of my Nan as an Armchair’, which is featured in Restless Minds, as well as two of my other poems: ‘Hypoglycaemia’ and ‘Domestic Bliss’. The videos also feature Mark Done and Lauren C. Terry reading their pieces from Restless Minds as well as a couple of their other awesome poems.
You can find out more about Restless Minds over on our website, and there’s some Jazz & Poetry photos on there as well.
There’s also some more videos of me reading here and here, and more videos from Restless Minds events on our YouTube channel.
Don’t forget to let us know what you think (of our pieces or our performances). You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. There’s a list of our past and upcoming events on our website, too.
Thanks for watching!