Debbie is the author of nine novels across two series, 7 in the Sophie Sayers Village Mysteries, and 2 in the Staffroom at St Bride’s series, currently writing the third. She writes a blend of cosy mystery and romantic comedy and is a course tutor in self-publishing for Jericho Writers and a UK Ambassador for the Alliance of Independent Authors, for whom she has also written how-to books for authors. She runs the Hawkesbury Upton Literature Festival in the Cotswolds, which she founded in 2015. Two of her novels have been shortlisted for The Bookbrunch Selfies Awards, given for the best independently-published fiction in the UK (in 2020 and 2021).
In this episode, you’l learn:
- How cosy mysteries differ from other crime genres
- Ways to improve your writing craft
- Book marketing methods that work for cosy mysteries
Link to Debbie Young talking about cosy mysteries
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Show notes:
- 00.00 – Introductions
- 05.30 – Interview with Debbie Young
- 06.30 – What is a cosy mystery?
- 10.20 – Setting and worldbuilding in cosy mysteries.
- 13.35 – It all started with Holmes.
- 16.40 – Branching out to different genres.
- 18.20 – Writing different relationships.
- 23.20 – Surprising the reader, and the writer!
- 24.45 – How does Debbie feel about outlines?
- 27.40 – How long does it take to write her first drafts?
- 30.30 – Where do authors go wrong writing cosy mysteries?
- 38.20 – How do we develop our cosy mystery writing skills?
- 42.30 – Eavesdropping for your writing career.
- 44.20 – The good and the bad of marketing.
- 50.00 – Newsletters swaps.
- 51.30 – Facebook ads.
- 53.30 – Which book changed Debbie’s life?
- 55.50 – Where can we find out more about Debbie?